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Special Ways to Honor Your Mom At Your Wedding Mobile Image

Special Ways to Honor Your Mom At Your Wedding

August 06, 2021

While your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, it’s also one of the biggest days of your mom’s—after all, it’s not every day that you get to watch your little girl walk down the aisle. It’s a big moment in a mother’s life! While it’s still your day, it’s important to find ways to let your mom know how special she is to you. If you’re looking for ideas to share a sentimental moment with your mother on your wedding day, here are a few of our favorite ways to honor your mom throughout your wedding: 

Go Gown Shopping Together


Most brides bring their mothers when they go shopping for their wedding dress, and we love the tradition. While finding your gown is the most important, a great way to make your mom feel special and to spend quality time with her is to set aside a day to spend shopping with your mom to find her Mother of the Bride dress. You’ll have a fun girls’ day, and it’ll be a fun memory to look back on when you think about your wedding. 

Treat Her to A Spa Day


Getting ready for a wedding—especially your daughter’s—is not like getting ready for a normal event. Your mom’s going to want to look and feel her best when she celebrates your new marriage, so why not treat her to a spa day ahead of the wedding! She’s probably planning on getting a mani-pedi anyways, so treat her so she feels doted on after all the work she’s put in helping you plan your wedding. 

Wear a Piece of Her Dress for Your Something Old


The old adage “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” is supposed to bring good luck in your marriage. While it’s an old wives’ tale, many brides opt to find something for each category—it honors tradition, and you can never have too much luck! A sentimental way to incorporate something old is by using a piece of your mother’s wedding dress in your bridal look. Whether you turn a piece of lace into a garter, wrap a portion of fabric around your bouquet, or even sew a small piece inside your own dress, if your mom is okay with you cutting hers, this is a lovely way to have a piece of your mom with you. 

Wear Her Wedding Jewelry for Your Something Borrowed


Maybe your mom isn’t too keen on you cutting her dress, or maybe you’d just prefer not to—we get it! Another sentimental way to use your mother’s own bridal look is to wear her wedding jewelry as your something borrowed. Jewelry rarely goes out of style, so you’ll likely find that your mother’s is still just as elegant and breathtaking now as it was on her own wedding day. This also makes shopping for your own accessories much easier!

Have A First Look


A popular trend in weddings today, most brides have a first look with their groom (or, if they prefer not to see the groom until the ceremony, their dad). Why not have a first look with your mom? Sure, she’s probably seen the dress before since you likely took her with you to choose it, but it’s still a big moment to see you fully ready on the big day. She’ll appreciate you recognizing how special the moment is for her, you’ll create a gorgeous memory, and you’ll have some pretty great photos to go along with it. 

Have Your Mom Walk You Down The Aisle


While it’s traditional for the bride’s father to walk her down the aisle, why not involve your mom as well? Some brides today have been opting to have both parents walk them down the aisle to give them away. Another way to incorporate your mom into your walk down the aisle is to have her walk you halfway down to meet your dad, then have your dad walk you for the second half. There’s plenty of ways to still be traditional while adding a modern twist!

Play Your Parents’ Wedding Song


If your parents are still together, have the band or DJ play their wedding song and give them a little shoutout during the reception. Both your parents will love it, and it creates a beautiful moment for the two of them to share. You can also do the same for your new in-laws, making the reception that much more meaningful. 

Use Her Favorite Recipe


If your mom loves to cook and you have a favorite childhood recipe, why not see if your catering company can recreate her dish for your reception? It’ll be a perfect surprise for your mom, and it’ll add a sentimental tone to the food for a small personal touch you’ll never forget. 

Give Her A Photo Album


While all your photos will be given to you digitally by the photographer, there’s something special about a physical copy. Once your photos are back, put together an album to give to your mom. She’ll love having photos of your wedding day on hand, and it’ll become a cherished family heirloom that you may even show to your own daughter one day.